856d.00/12–1848: Telegram

The Chargé in the Netherlands (Steere) to the Secretary of State 1

most immediate

873. Stikker announced at meeting starting 1:20 p. m. of diplomatic representatives Great Britain, France, Belgium, Canada and US that [Page 574] Netherlands Government this morning had authorized HRC Indonesia to take without any further delay such measures as he considers necessary to re-establish conditions of peace and security in whole of Indonesia. Stikker handed representatives memo text which given immediately following cable. (Embtel 874, December 18, 3 p. m.2)

Stikker explained Cabinet learned 7 a. m. (deadline was 3 a. m.) that no reply from Republic could be expected, and none had been received at 1 p. m. I asked whether Soekarno had departed as expected to which he replied “no definite information about Soekarno but it was understood he had gone from Jogja to Bukittinggi” and Beel had been instructed to permit his departure if Soekarno wished to go.

Following meeting Stikker asked me see him alone, and informed me military action—“march on Jogja”—would start within 2 hours. He said “it simply had to be done” and went on to explain that his own intervention 2 months ago had staved off earlier action, and that he could no longer hold back such course. He said large numbers troops long overdue return home and morale considerations required action now if they were not to return.

Stikker stated that Cabinet decision was unanimous, and that country could therefore count upon resolute course, though he went on to say that political parties were all meeting this afternoon and it was somewhat uncertain what Labor Party would do.

Emergency bill for interim federal government will be proclaimed today. Anticipated month or 2 will be required before actually set up.

Official communiqué re above decisions to be released 7 p. m. Hague time. Other diplomatic representatives being advised this afternoon.

Pass other Departments concerned. Sent Department 873; Department pass Batavia.

  1. Repeated to Paris (for Jessup) the same day.
  2. Not printed; it quoted the Netherlands memorandum printed in SC, 3rd yr., Suppl. (Dec), p. 229.