501.BC Indonesia/12–1848: Telegram

The Chargé in the Netherlands (Steere) to the Secretary of State 1


872. Reference instructions telephoned by Butterworth 11 a. m. (5 a. m. Washington) to make strong representations to Stikker pursuant to developments reported Embtel 870, December 17, I told Stikker immediately that I had instructions to see him at once. He said that he was leaving immediately to see Prime Minister and could not receive me until 1 p. m. when he would make an official statement to diplomatic representatives. I said I had representations of greatest urgency to make and desired to see him at earliest possible moment. When he still demurred I asked him whether Cabinet had taken decision. When he answered affirmatively, I asked if that meant that it was too late for Cabinet to consider any representations which I might make. Again he answered affirmatively and added that he would be glad to see me immediately after his meeting with diplomatic representatives at 1 p. m. or that I could see Lovink meanwhile if desired.

In view of Foreign Minister’s statement, I have considered it inadvisable to make representations exactly as instructed since we are confronted with completely new situation. Accordingly I saw Lovink shortly before 1 o’clock and informed him I was under instructions to state that Department found incredible the action which Beel had taken in Batavia in respect both to the action itself and the reasons advanced for doing so; and to remind him that Department had indicated clearly in its aide-mémoire of December 62 that if Netherlands Government declined to resume negotiations and take steps which US Government considered ill-advised and unwarranted it might inevitably lead the US Government to take the measures which we set forth in the aide-mémoire.

Lovink took note of my remarks.

  1. Repeated to Paris (for Jessup) the same day.
  2. See text dated December 7, p. 531.