501.BC Indonesia/12–1648: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Consulate General at Batavia
663. Usgoc 247. Director of FE and Deputy Director UNA called in Counselor Netherlands Embassy this afternoon to express hope that SC would not have to discuss Indonesian case tomorrow if in fact reports reaching Dept gave any encouragement to belief that chance of resumption negotiations was possible.
Netherlands Counselor had brought with him text of reply of his govt1 to letter which Hatta addressed to you Dec. 13. Although he endeavored to make personal argument that letter left door open to resumption of negotiations it is obvious that text is unbending, leaves little perceptible leeway for negotiations.
Dept officers said US Rep on GOC might not feel justified to take such a document to Hatta under pretext that this was invitation to further negotiations.
Dept officers made very strong representations that if it was intention of Neth Govt to continue negotiations that Govt should instruct its delegation at Batavia to give you full and authoritative explanation as to the true meaning of its propositions in order to make it possible for you to explain to Republican leaders that the door was not closed to further negotiations if that in fact was the case.
For your info Dept feels Neth request reasonable that Hatta’s letter be formalized declaration binding his Govt.
Dept also took exception to concluding sentence of note pointing out that unless you were assured that Dutch Govt was not contemplating [Page 569] action such as promulgation BIO decree during period when you were acting at Dutch Govt’s request as its emissary you would be placed in an equivocal position by undertaking such a mission in such circumstances.
Helb, speaking personally, pointed out that time was very short. He wondered if Netherlands Rep on SC tomorrow might not make statement to effect that letter in response to Hatta had been sent which left way open for further negotiations. We said that such a statement would only have credence if in fact Dutch Govt was prepared for further negotiations and would authorize such an explanation of letter as would give proof of this intention.
Dept officers in all candor remarked to Netherlands Counselor that if his Govt’s letter to you were made public in SC it could not but have unfortunate effect on public opinion toward Netherlands and would appear in strange juxtaposition to Hatta’s communication of Dec. 13 which would of course also be published.
Repeated to Paris, niact, for Jessup, as 4827. Repeated niact Amembassy, Hague, as 634, Brussels niact 1658.2
- The text of this was repeated in telegram 4824, December 16, 7 p. m., to Paris (for Jessup); the same was sent as 633 to The Hague, 1657 to Brussels, and 4680 to London. For text, see supra.↩
- Telegram 1661, December 17, 3 p. m., to Brussels, directed that the substance of this telegram be given Mr. Spaak.↩