856d.00/12–1648: Telegram
The Chargé in the Netherlands (Steere) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 16—3:05 p. m.]
860. Lovink handed me this morning text Netherlands reply to Hatta letter December 13 (Embtel 859, December 16) which reads as follows:
[Here follows text of reply quoted by the acting chairman of the Netherlands delegation at Batavia on December 17 and printed in SC, 3rd yr., Suppl. (Dec), page 218, except that the final paragraph was added subsequently.]
Lovink said Cabinet decision reject Hatta letter narrowly averted last night and that Netherlands reply to Hatta was truly last possible move from Netherlands side—“the cards were now down” and everything depended on Republican reply.
By way of explanation he said that Netherlands was insisting upon Republican acceptance of four points lettered a, b, and c, the fourth (in regard termination of truce violations and evacuation of infiltrants) being found in text immediately following point (c). Netherlands requirements (none of which represented new matters of substance) were that Republican Cabinet should give binding declaration of its endorsement of assurances (a, b, c) which Hatta had given to Stikker during latter’s first visit to Indonesia, and additionally in regard its readiness to take effective measures terminate truce violations and evacuate infiltrants. (Note Hatta memorandum November 10 in above connection.1)
Lovink said that Netherlands Government requirements in the above respect could be met by acknowledgment of above communication and [Page 568] straightforward statement that Republican Government prepared agree to its terms.
Lovink referred to extreme urgency of prompt and unequivocal acceptance if Netherlands were not to proceed forthwith with setting up of interim federal government regardless Republican participation.
Department will note from above the Netherlands demands are pointed at immediate Republican participation in interim federal government, that Dutch have firm intention in all events of proceeding with interim federal government (latest by January 1), and do not envisage resumption negotiations under auspices GOC.
Department may desire pass comments to Batavia.