501.BB Palestine/11–2448: Telegram
The Acting Chairman of the United States Delegation at Paris (Dulles) to the Secretary of State
us urgent
Delga 920. For Lovett from Kopper. Fawzi Bey (Egypt) called on Jessup today. Conversations resulted from approach by Fawzi to Bunche saying he wished to see Jessup and Ross prior to Arab delegates meeting this afternoon. Fawzi had discussed with Bunche yesterday much of what he discussed with Jessup.
[Page 1626]Discussion commenced with Fawzi stating UK resolution and US amendments did not appear to be so bad after opportunity had been given to study them. He felt them sufficiently strong but not too rigid. Opportunity for some flexibility apparent in drafting of terms. Jessup pointed out that we thought it would be mistake for GA to attempt to make definitive delineation of boundaries. Fawzi agreed that it was wiser to leave this more general in resolution.
Fawzi then made following points:
- (a)
- Israeli should abide by SC resolutions.
- (b)
- While November 16 SC resolution was distasteful to Arabs in that it implied a degree of recognition by Arab States of existence Israeli state, Arabs should be able to conduct negotiations with Mediator in such way as to carry out spirit of resolution.
- (c)
- While official Arab position continued favor unitary state, it was obvious certain practical matter had to be considered. Fawzi favored geographic continuity.
- (d)
- Arabs could not agree to any diminution Negeb as envisaged in Bernadotte [report?]. Egypt could not be separated from other Arab states by Jewish state. Jewish colonies forming bulge in Negeb must be given up in return for transfer of Arab portions of northern Palestine to Israel.
- (e)
- In response to question by Jessup whether any real issue existed between Egypt and Transjordan regarding territorial disposition, Fawzi replied there was not. These matters could be settled if viewed realistically. He then made clear he thought Egypt should have portion of Negeb south of line drawn through Majdal and Hebron-Trans Jordan should have portion up to Bethlehem and presumably to south. He did not define this specifically.
- (f)
- Re Transjordan access to sea, Fawzi said that if absolutely necessary Transjordan could have strip north of Majdal–Hebron line. Egypt must have Beersheba. (Subsequently Fawzi told Kopper reasons for Egyptian desire to have portion of Negeb were several. Among them were desire to have something to show to their people. We believe apprehension of extension of Transjordan sphere and UK relation thereto also a factor.)
- (g)
- Fawzi felt continuity between Egypt and Arab states should be west of Jordan and Dead Sea.
- (h)
- Arabs do not feel November 29 resolution still stands but thought it would be undesirable to become involved in protracted legal arguments this point. Adverted to his conversation with Secretary last summer when he had emphasized necessity to recognize practicalities of situation.
- (i)
- Most significant point made by Fawzi was at conclusion of conversation when he stated it most important that preliminary understanding should be reached in next few days regarding general form boundaries would take. Thought US, UK, Arab states and Jews should have such understanding on overall boundaries. Re Negeb, thought US, UK, Transjordan and Egypt should have understanding.
- (j)
- When asked whether other Arab states would hold similar views, Fawzi said they were not in position to do anything in present situation so would have to acquiesce.
Later in day Fawzi told Kopper he had informed Khashaba Pasha1 of his conversation. Said latter would probably talk to British tonight particularly on matter set forth in paragraph i above. Said he had hoped to hear more from Jessup in near future as to our views. Said he hoped we would talk to British.
Our feeling here on Egyptian boundaries position vis-à-vis Israel and Transjordan is that it constitutes first bargaining position.2
Sent Department; repeated London for the Ambassador as 1351. [Kopper.]
- Ahmed Mohammed Khashaba, Egyptian Foreign Minister.↩
- Fawzi Bey, on November 26, had a conversation with Messrs. Kopper, Bunche, and Beeley, at which he elaborated on Egyptian views of Negeb boundariesi He stated that the “Eastern boundary of Egypt would be line drawn from point east of Hebron to junction 35 east longitude and 31 north latitude, then south along 35 east longitude to Transjordan border and then along present border to Gulf of Aqaba.” The Egyptian spokesman noted that these boundaries were subject to modification in negotiations with Transjordan (telegram Delga 953, November 26, 9 p. m., from Paris, 501.BB Palestine/11–2648).↩