501.BB Palestine/11–2448: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom
4422. Hoyer Millar1 presented Lovett last evening with personal message from Bevin for Secy with verbal request it be passed on to President also. Message reads: “Bevin was much concerned at views on Palestine expressed by US Rep at meeting of Political Comm of GA on Nov 20.2 He is convinced that frank and close cooperation between US and UK both as regards Middle East and many other important fields is essential to preservation world peace. He is glad know that US and UK Delegations in Paris are in touch with each other with view to seeking some way of overcoming differences between two govts, but he fears that unless US Delegation is authorised make considerable advance from its present position there will inevitably be open disagreement between two Delegations in Assembly on certain vital points, and that they will probably find themselves obliged vote on different sides. Bevin would very deeply regret any such development, but he feels bound maintain principles which both Govts have publicly endorsed. After long discussion and cooperation between our two govts, it was possible for them both find common ground in shape of support for Bernadotte proposals. It was only after US had announced its support these proposals that HMG likewise gave them their support and HMG have been basing their policy on assumption that this common stand would be maintained. While Bevin would, of couse, not exclude possibility of Bernadotte proposals being amended, he regards as essential factors which must be maintained general substance of territorial provisions and principle of solution recommended by Assembly of UN in which both sides are asked acquiesce.
“Bevin earnestly hopes that in light this expression his views, US Govt may feel able instruct US Delegation Paris modify their present [Page 1625] attitude and withdraw their opposition to vital points in UK resolution, to which they are at present taking exception—namely that general substance of territorial provisions of Bernadotte Report should be approved and that Conciliation Comm should be given adequate power put them into effect, relying on acquiescence of two parties in this action but not depending on their prior agreement.”
Brit Min stated he realized events had overtaken message since press despatches from Paris indicated US amendments to UK resolution had already been presented. Emb had therefore hesitated whether [send?] present message at all but decided in favor doing so. Lovett replied that notwithstanding these developments he would pass message on to both Secy and President.
Lovett in commenting on Bevin’s message first mentioned Douglas report on Sargent’s3 reaction to US position (London’s 4961 Nov 234) with specific reference to question territorial provisions Bernadotte report and question acquiescence. He said that US finally has firm position re boundaries namely that Israel must either adhere to those fixed by Nov 29 resolution or if it desires retain Western Galilee and Jaffa must make compensatory exchanges. We believe solution by negotiation essential since our delegation considers it impossible obtain GA approval for boundaries fixed by Bernadotte report. Our two delegations in Paris are in close touch with each other and there is really only small difference between their two positions.
Lovett emphasized point that while it may be impossible persuade Arab states either agree or acquiesce in UK resolution with US amendments this might not be case if Arabs were convinced UK would not supply them with arms. He sincerely hoped therefore that our two delegations could reach common agreement on differences now separating them.5