501.BB Palestine/11–148: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State
Delga 559. Following is draft resolution on Palestine as prepared in SC subcommittee as USGADel obtained it informally from UK source:
“The Security Council
Having decided on the fifteenth July that subject to further decision by the SC or the GA the truce shall remain in force in accordance with the resolution of that date and with that of 29 May 1948 until a peaceful adjustment of the future situation of Palestine is reached;
Having decided on the 19 August that no party is permitted to violate the truce on the ground that it is undertaking reprisals or retaliations against the other party, and that no party is entitled to gain military or political advantage through violation of the truce; and
Having decided on the 29 May that, if the truce was subsequently repudiated or violated by either party or by both the situation in Palestine would be reconsidered with a view to action under Chapter VII of the Charter;
Endorses the request communicated to the Government of Egypt and the Provisional Government of Israel by the acting mediator on the 26 October (S/1058)1 following upon the Council’s resolution of the 19 October 1948; and
(This next paragraph is unofficial translation from agreed French text.) Calls upon the interested governments: (1) To withdraw those of their forces which have advanced beyond the positions held on October 14, the acting mediator being authorized to establish provisional lines beyond which no movement of troops shall take place; (2) to establish, through negotiations conducted directly between the parties, or failing that, through intermediaries in the service of the United Nations, permanent truce lines and such neutral or demilitarized [Page 1539] zones as may appear advantageous, in order to ensure henceforth the full observance of the truce in that area. Failing an agreement, the permanent lines and neutral zones shall be established by decision of the acting mediator; and (Following not translation) Appoints a committee of the Council, consisting of the five permanent members together with Belgium and Colombia, to examine urgently and report to the Council on the measures which it would be appropriate to take under Article 41 of the Charter if either party or both should fail to observe the conditions prescribed in the two sub-paragraphs of paragraph five of this resolution with whatever time limits the acting mediator may think it desirable to fix.”
Subcommittee will meet Tuesday afternoon to approve its report to the SC.2 In view of plenary session GA on Wednesday now appears unlikely SC will meet before Thursday morning.
Delga 559 to Department, repeated London as Paris telegram 1166.