501.BB Palestine/10–2648: Telegram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Douglas) to the Acting Secretary of State
4621. Depts 4071 October 231. It is my view that if at this stage GADel emphasizes to Arab and Jewish delegations that US would favor territorial rectifications in northern Negev of benefit Israel we will be playing directly into Soviet hands since it will destroy irretrievably the slim chance, already seriously jeopardized by weekend Republican and Democratic statements of achieving a settlement of Palestine problem this UNGA. Nothing would please the USSR more than to have another year of turmoil in Palestine and this is an almost certain prospect unless the US and the UK by standing shoulder to shoulder can command a ⅔ majority in favor of Bernadotte’s proposals.
2. As I see the situation a number of amendments will be proposed from the floor to the Bernadotte plan and it is at this time that US and UK delegations should consult together and decide upon line which the US and UK should take in concert towards each amendment. One amendment likely to be proposed by some state other than US and UK [Page 1517] is that Israel should receive part of the northern Negev now understood to be under Israeli Military occupation in defiance of UN truce efforts. I think we should make known our views at that time, not now.
3. It will in my view be an act disastrous to any Palestine settlement for GADel prior to UNGA consideration of Palestine to break step with the British as it would do if instructions in final paragraph Dept’s 4071 October 23 are carried out, even though informally. I fail to see how GADel can even mention the Negev at this of all times without giving the appearance of condoning Israeli military aggression across UN truce lines. The UN delegates of other countries are not without worldly wisdom and their cynical reactions to such an approach by GADel would be something which I would prefer to see my country spared.
4. If Dept is determined to destroy US–UK cooperation by step such as in Dept’s 4071 in all fairness I think we should so advise Bevin and UKDel before a single such approach is made. The British Government is under heavy pressure from its Ministry of Defense and members of Parliament to make some pro-Arab gesture which would help to restore faith of Arab countries in UK. This has been jeopardized by scrupulous observation of the provisions of the arms embargo by UK throughout period when, according to all the evidence, USSR through Czechoslovakia has been arming Israel. This latter, combined with other Soviet activities, should at least establish presumption in regard to her intentions and hopes to foster confusion if not more than confusion in ME. Recent fighting showed clearly military might Israel has acquired behind back SC.
5. My understanding with Bevin clearly implies that if the US takes a pro-Israeli step Britain shall be free to take pro-Arab step. If we take the step contemplated and UK considers it necessary to take pro-Arab step the process of the US and the UK working at cross purposes re Palestine instead of cooperating for Palestine settlement will begin anew—with probably greater danger to US than in the past. You will recall that to satisfy the US the UK reluctantly agreed to delay UNGA consideration of Palestine.
6. Wright said yesterday that SC meeting today will be supreme test SC authority and in this connection I was pleased to be in a position to reassure him along lines Dept’s 4058, October 22.2 However, if this is only a palliative it would be better for the British Govt to know at once that the US no longer values the common ground achieved with regard to the Bernadotte proposals.
7. Present plan of US and UK to support Bernadotte proposals in their entirety and to establish within them international machinery to make such adjustments as may be necessary seems to me to be by far [Page 1518] the best solution. Among such adjustments might be arrangements for Arab part of Palestine to go to TJ and for tip of Negev to go to Israel in return for some adjustment in favor of Arabs in north. Present plan to my mind avoids breaking with British and playing into hands of USSR.
8. Palestine situation is probably as dangerous to our national interests as is Berlin. The danger of the latter has been played up in the headlines. The danger (not the situation) of the former has been ignored in the headlines. I have sometime thought that this concealment of the danger in Palestine has permitted the Soviet to play her game in the Middle East without attracting attention.
9. Foregoing drafted before I received Delga’s 476 October 25 to Dept with which I concur wholeheartedly.
Sent Dept for Lovett 4621; repeated Paris for Gadel 788.