861.20200/8–1348: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Legation in Syria
329. Certain info contained in Legtel 522 Aug 131 combined with reports from widely separated independent sources fit into pattern indicating serious efforts being directed toward Syrian-USSR rapprochement character of which though unknown may be of important significance.
[Page 1342]Among these items are recent discussions between Soviet diplomats at Damascus and high ranking Syrian officials allegedly including President Kuwatly, visit to Moscow Soviet Minister to Syria, acceleration and intensification communist activity in Syria, reversal Syrian communist party policy which now advocates cessation Palestine war, and Moslem Brotherhood advocacy of seeking Soviet assistance. According sources London Syrian Minister Moscow has been instructed explore possibility obtaining some form Soviet support, and Iraqi Govt has manifested interest Syrian approach to Soviets.
Keep Dept informed developments which you may gain knowledge, repeating messages London, Moscow and interested Arab capitals.2
- Not printed.↩
- This telegram was repeated to London, Moscow, Arab capitals, and Jerusalem. Baghdad, in reply on September 17, reported that “Neither in private nor official conversations has Embassy detected any manifestation of interest on part Iraq Government to effect rapprochement with Soviets. To contrary, high government officials continue voice fear US policy on Palestine has opened door Soviet penetration.… Although political rapprochement seems unlikely Embassy believes principal danger at present is possible closening of economic ties with Soviets because of Iraq’s desire obtain war material from any source and such other supplies as Soviets prepared make available.” (Telegram 547, 861.20200/9–1748)↩