867N.01/8–2048: Telegram
The Special Representative of the United States in Israel (McDonald) to the Secretary of State
us urgent
63. At official reception for me and staff today I had 45 minute confidential conversation with Ben-Gurion. I took occasion to emphasize danger if PGI should have illusion that the USA would under no circumstances participate in imposition of sanctions. I added that conditions might rise wherein US sense of justice and right would, despite US deep friendship for Israel, lead to such action.1
Ben-Gurion appeared to appreciate friendliness of my frankness He replied, however, that there were two points on which Israel would never compromise (1) the independence of state, and (2) any action involving threat to national security. As regards point (2) he was at moment referring to danger of allowing mass return Arab refugees prior to peace.
I made no comment on Prime Minister’s dictum, but my view concurred in by my staff, is PGI cannot from military standpoint now allow mass return refugees within small confines state, thus creating danger of having enemy at back as well as in front.
I must also add that I believe PGI, suicidal though such policy might seem, would under conceivable circumstances resist UN sanctions rather than compromise on either of above two points.
- After his discussion with the Israeli Prime Minister, Mr. McDonald repeated the same point of view to Mr. Shertok, who made no special comment (telegram 64, August 20, 6 p. m., from Tel Aviv, 867N.01/8–2048).↩