867N.48/8–1948: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Legation in Lebanon
514. Reurtel 439, Aug 439.1 [Here follows remainder of paragraph indicating that the bulk of the shipments outlined in the first paragraph [Page 1333] of telegram 3236, August 14, to London, page 1310, were already in the Near East or en route.]
US also supported International Childrens Emergency Fund decision Aug 16 allocating 411,000 dollars for assistance refugee children Near East, first shipment of which scheduled leave US Aug 24 for Beirut.
In response to Count Bernadotte’s appeal Aug 16 to Secy for refugee aid,2 Secy in press conference Aug 18 referred to seriousness refugee situation expressing hope that American relief agencies will respond in their usual manner. He also stated Dept is in process of discussions with various govt agencies to see what might be done to help out. Dept is actively stimulating private American relief agencies. Amcross has pledged 14,000 dollars to cover 20 tons DDT specifically requested by Bernadotte, and has now authorized additional 200,000 dollars medical supplies for immediate shipment Near East.
War Relief Services of National Catholic Welfare Conference is prepared make substantial contribution including early shipment of supplies. Near East Foundation presently carrying on sanitation work in refugee camps and villages Syria and Lebanon and is prepared expand its services.
Other American organizations and relief agencies have expressed willingness and readiness render substantial assistance alleviating refugee situation. Dept will inform you further as soon as these commitments firmed up.
You may inform appropriate authorities of these developments, assuring them that Dept is giving active attention to refugee situation and that American organizations are responding with traditional generosity to needs Near Eastern peoples.3
- Not printed.↩
- See editorial note, p. 1315.↩
- This telegram
was repeated to other Arab capitals, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and New
York. In a telegram of August 26 to Count Bernadotte, Secretary
Marshall stated that the Arabian American Oil Company and the
Trans-Arabian Pipeline Company had donated $100,000 for the purchase
of foodstuffs and DDT and that the International Bechtel
Incorporated had donated an identical amount for the same purpose.
The Secretary also cited contributions in the form of medical
supplies, clothing, services, etc., by the American Red Cross, the
Federal Council of Churches, the Christian Rural Overseas Program,
American Middle East Relief Incorporated, the Near East Foundation,
the National Catholic Welfare Conference, and Lutheran World Relief
Incorporated. The telegram was transmitted to the Embassy in Sweden
as No. 640 and was repeated to New York (501.BB Palestine/8–2048).
The Department, on September 11, informed Cairo that no public funds were available to assist refugees in the Near East and that since the Congress was not in session, such funds would not be forthcoming to meet the current emergency. The Department noted also that United States Government action in stimulating assistance by voluntary groups had already met with “gratifying response” and that further commitments were expected (telegram 1266, 867N.48/9–648).