Editorial Note
On May 11, the United States presented a draft resolution to the First Committee, calling for the creation of a subcommittee to examine further measures for the protection of Jerusalem and make recommendations to the First Committee as promptly as possible (GA (II/SS), Main Committees, page 229); for text of the United States proposal, see GA (II/SS), Annex, page 35. The First Committee the same day adopted the United States proposal, as amended; for text of the resolution, see ibid., page 36.
France and the United States, in a joint document given United Nations control number A/C.1/SC.10/1, May 11, proposed to Subcommittee 10 of the First Committee creation of a temporary international regime for Jerusalem, to exercise authority in that city from May 15. New York sent an “unofficial” text to the Department in telegram 638, May 12, 9:04 p. m. This text designated the United Nations as the administering authority in Jerusalem, with the Trusteeship Council to exercise the functions of the administering authority. The government of Jerusalem was to consist of a high commissioner, to be appointed by the Trusteeship Council, who would be responsible for the maintenance of internal order (501.BB Palestine/5–1248).
Subcommittee 10 made its report to the First Committee on May 13; for text, see GA (II/SS), Annex, page 37. Incorporated in the report was the revised version of the joint French and American proposals, which retained the substance of the original proposals.
[Page 959]The First Committee, on May 14, adopted a motion by the United States to transmit the report of Subcommittee 10 to the General Assembly without a vote. The motion carried by 15 votes to none, with 26 abstentions (GA (II/SS), Main Committees, page 274).
The General Assembly considered the report of Subcommittee 10 at the last meeting of Second Special Session on May 14. The draft resolution, as amended by the Assembly, received 9 affirmative votes and 15 negative votes. There were nine abstentions. The President of the Assembly ruled the measure rejected, since it failed to receive the required two-thirds majority (GA (II/SS), Plenary, pages 28–36).