501.BB Palestine/5–1148
Memorandum by the Department of State to President Truman
Washington, May 11,
The Department of State recommends that the President approve the following position on Palestine for the United States during the remainder of the Special Session of the General Assembly, and authorize the United States Delegation to introduce necessary resolutions, if that appears desirable in the light of the negotiating situation at Lake Success.
- 1.
- The General Assembly should strongly support by resolution the present efforts of the Security Council to obtain a truce in Palestine.
- 2.
- The General Assembly should appoint a United Nations Commissioner
for Palestine, who shall have the following functions:
- a.
- The United Nations Commissioner shall use his good offices
as a mediator with the local and community authorities in
Palestine to
- (1)
- Arrange for the operation of common services necessary to the maintenance of law and order in Palestine and the health and well-being of its population.
- (2)
- Assure the protection of the Holy Places, religious buildings and sites in Palestine.
- (3)
- Assist in reaching agreement between the local and community authorities on the future government of Palestine.
- b.
- The United Nations Commissioner shall cooperate with the Truce Commission for Palestine appointed by the Security Council in its resolution of April 23, 1948.
- c.
- The United Nations Commissioner may, with a view to the promotion of the welfare of the inhabitants of Palestine, invite the assistance and cooperation of appropriate specialized agencies of the United Nations such as the World Health Organization, of the International Red Cross and of other governmental or nongovernmental organizations of a humanitarian and non-political character.
- d.
- The United Nations Commissioner shall render monthly progress reports, or more frequently as he deems necessary, to the Security Council and to the Secretary General for transmission to the Members of the United Nations.
- e.
- The United Nations Commissioner shall be guided in his activities by the provisions of this resolution and by such instructions as the Security Council may consider necessary to issue.
- f.
- Measures taken by the United Nations Commissioner under the terms of the present resolution shall become immediately effective unless the United Nations Commissioner has previously received contrary instructions from the Security Council.
- 3.
- The General Assembly should establish a Temporary United Nations Trusteeship for the City of Jerusalem under the direction of the Trusteeship Council or some other form of special regime under the United Nations auspices for that city.
- 4.
- The November 29, 1947 resolution should stand, except that the General Assembly should relieve the Palestine Commission of any responsibilities thereunder and should take note of any directive given by the General Assembly to the Trusteeship Council regarding an alternative course with respect to the City of Jerusalem.1
- Marginal notation by Mr. McClintock: “Approved by President May 12, 1948”; the memorandum, prior to its approval by President Truman was transmitted to New York in telegram 298, May 11, 4 p. m. (501.BB Palestine/5–1148).↩