840.50 Recovery/7–748: Telegram
The United States Special Representative in Europe (Harriman) to the Secretary of State
Repto1 52. Personal for Marshall from Harriman. I have read with interest circular information telegram July 6, 9 a. m. Assume you have seen Draper’s telegram2 to Department of Army recommending that Chargé Belgrade make indirect approach to Tito indicating our willingness to discuss improved economic relations. Since Yugoslav official has approached Chargé I recommend for your consideration, provided Chargé is satisfied that official spoke with Tito’s authority, that Chargé be authorized to have immediately further informal conversation with Yugoslav official indicating a willingness on our part to discuss at the appropriate time the possibility of improvement in our trade and economic relations. The value of this approach might be in the possible stiffening of Tito’s resistance to Kremlin not suggest that we actually enter into anything in the character of negotiations unless the situation is clarified along the lines indicated in circular Tune 30, 6 a. m. I gather from information telegram July 6 that Chargé offered little if any encouragement to possibility of improvement in our economic relations. I am fearful that this seeming lack of interest on our part may adversely effect Tito’s current actions.