760D.6111/4–148: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State
587. Although Finnish delegation has been extremely reticent with regard to their negotiations, my impression is that they are encouraged by progress so far. Yesterday non-Communist member of delegation in reply to my remark that US had always had great confidence in integrity and determination of Finnish Government and people, said he had reason to believe result of present negotiations would serve to increase that confidence rather than diminish it. Finnish Minister here,1 rather a milk-toast type of fellow traveler, described Soviet attitude as being “extremely generous.”
One can only guess at this stage, but mine is that Soviets will probably demand another base or bases, possibly in the Hango area and a general defensive treaty, but that they will not require the complete military and industrial integration which they have demanded in their treaties with other satellites. Of course, military potential of Finns is not considerable at present time, and Soviet military “instructors” would be extremely unwelcome in Finland. Soviets will probably feel that disadvantages resulting from too complete integration at this time outweigh advantages, particularly in view repercussions resulting from their most recent aggressive moves.
Sent Department 587; repeated Helsinki 7.
- Kai Sundstrem.↩