Editorial Note
The question of “Discriminations practiced by certain States in international trade obstructing normal development of trade relations and contrary to the Purposes and Principles of the United Nations Charter”, an agenda item proposed by Poland, was considered by the United Nations General Assembly during the First Part of its Third Regular Session held in Paris, September 21–December 12, 1948. The agenda item was considered by the Second (Economic and Financial) Committee of the General Assembly during meetings held in early November 1948. Ultimately, a Polish draft resolution seeking to condemn the political use of international trade discrimination was defeated in the General Assembly meeting of November 26, 1948 with only the Soviet Union and the Eastern European states casting affirmative votes. For an account of the discussion and voting on this item in the General Assembly and the Second Committee, see Yearbook of the United Nations 1948–49 (New York: United Nations Department of Public Information, 1950), pages 482–485. See also the brief account of the American position on this question in Department of State Bulletin, November 28, 1948, page 666.