The Secretary of State to the Secretary of Commerce (Sawyer)
Dear Mr. Secretary: I have your letter of June 191 requesting my views on quid pro quo trading arrangements between private American firms and the Soviet Union.
I recognize the importance of operating our export controls so as to maximize the benefits accruing in the United States from trade [Page 551] with the U.S.S.R. but I do not favor linking specific export licenses with specific imports from the Soviet Union for the following reasons:
- 1.
- If encouragement were given to granting licenses on this basis, we would necessarily favor the exporters who had or could develop contact with the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union would be put in a position to influence these U.S. Firms in a way which might prove undesirable.
- 2.
- I can foresee difficulties in giving guidance to prospective traders as to the goods we would permit to go to the U.S.S.R. and the types and amounts of goods we would consider adequate quid pro quos. Without such guidance, private negotiations might prove to be a discouraging process of trial and error for American exporters.
- 3.
- It will be difficult to decide that a promised export from the U.S.S.R. represents in fact an increase over amounts which would have been exported in the absence of a quid pro quo proposal. The result of adopting a policy of the type outlined in your letter might be that the Soviet Union would try to channel all its important exports to us through such barter deals. In this way the U.S.S.R. would probably secure a larger volume of valuable imports from the United States than under present policies.
- Such a move might force us to formalize negotiations on a government to government basis in order to maintain a real quid pro quo relation in our trade. I believe it is desirable to avoid such a development. The Soviet Union is much better equipped to control its trade than is this Government, since our authority is limited by the Second Decontrol Act.
- 4.
- We do not want to get ourselves in the position of regularizing a barter procedure which would give a bargaining advantage to the U.S.S.R., while laying ourselves open to charges of discrimination from American exporters, weakening our ability to obtain an adequate flow of critical materials to the United States, and surrendering to the Soviet Union the initiative in determining to what extent we aid the war potential of Eastern Europe.
- 5.
- Under certain circumstances, the Department of State has recognized that some barter transactions might be desirable, but primarily when such transactions would foster trade which might not otherwise develop by reasons of exchange or other abnormal difficulties. This criterion clearly does not apply in this case, although there might be other circumstances which would justify approval of individual proposals without any general commitment as to principle.
I am enclosing a memorandum prepared for me which discusses several aspects of the licensing of exports from the United States to Eastern Europe.
Faithfully yours,
- Supra.↩
- This memorandum incorporates the substance of a draft letter from the Secretary of State to the Secretary of Commerce, dated June 24, 1948, not printed, presumably intended to reply to Secretary Sawyer’s letter of May 20, p. 544 (661.119/6–1948).↩
The summary under reference here is not printed. It contained the following introductory paragraph:
“The United States, through the existence of the ‘R’ procedure of export control, is formally violating a number of commitments undertaken in treaties and executive agreements with Eastern European countries, and in particular is in effect violating such agreements by the manner in which the export control system is being operated to discriminate against these countries, on security grounds. The problem is to decide what course of action the State Department should pursue under the circumstances.”
The summary listed the following agreements and treaties containing provisions, generally about most-favored-nation treatment, currently being violated by the United States: 1. Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation with Poland, signed 1931, 2. Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Consular Rights with Finland of 1934, and a Reciprocal Trade Agreement with Finland of 1936, 3. Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Consular Rights with Hungary of 1925, 4. Treaty of Commerce with Serbia of 1881, currently in effect with Yugoslavia, 5. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade currently in force between the United States and Czechoslovakia, 6. Provisional Commercial Agreement with Romania of 1930, reinstated in March 1948, 7. Commercial Agreement with the U.S.S.R. of 1937.