Editorial Note
On February 2, 1948, the Minister in Romania, Rudolf E. Schoenfeld, transmitted to the Romanian Foreign Ministry a note protesting in detail the Romanian violations of human rights articles of the Romanian Peace Treaty. For the text of the note, copies of which were also communicated to the British and Soviet Chiefs of Mission in Bucharest, see the Department of State Bulletin, February 15, 1948, pages 216–218. The note was prepared during December 1947 and January 1948 in consultation with the British Government. The British Chargé in Bucharest presented a parallel note to the Romanian Foreign Ministry on February 2. In a note of February 8, 1948, the Soviet Embassy in Bucharest stated that it could not accept the American note of protest since its contents had no connection with the fulfillment of the Romanian Peace Treaty and constituted interference in Romania’s internal affairs. The Romanian Foreign Ministry replied similarly in a note of March 3, 1948, to Minister Schoenfeld, not printed. Documentation regarding this exchange of communications is included in Department file 740.0011 EW (Peace).