501.BB Balkan/9–848: Telegram
The Secretary of State to Mr. Gerald A. Drew, at Athens
1291. Balcom 210. Re SyG’s proposal for UN Guard (Combal 2501), Secretariat plans not yet completely crystallized and specific proposal which SyG will present GA not determined. Informal discussions bet Secretariat and USUN have indicated some initial difference view as to scope functions Guard. Present thinking Dept is support Guard 300–500 men with personal equipment only, for limited guard and police duties.
In view foregoing, Dept does not believe appropriate UNSCOB pass resolution now supporting SyG’s plan. If, however, you believe desirable and Committee members favorably disposed you are authorized support resolution noting fact SyG has indicated he plans submit a proposal GA and stating that if Guard should be established by GA, UNSCOB might find it desirable request assignment to it certain number guards. However, in view limited character proposed functions Guard, you should avoid any implication in resolution Guard might be used border control purposes.
- Identified also as telegram 1761, September 4, 9 p. m., from Athens; it stated that “Following informal talks with USDel, Chinese delegate is sounding out colleagues on plan to introduce resolution entirely separate from supplementary report which would inform Secretary General of UNSCOB support his plan establish permanent force uniformed guards and forecast possible request in future for assignment certain number guards to committee.” (501.BB Balkan/9–448)↩