501.BB Balkan/8–1448: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Greece
1164. For Embassy and Balcom 199. On instructions from Athens Greek Emb has asked Dept whether it would support Grk Govt in GA [Page 254] if Greeks introduced agenda item dealing with abduction children from Greece. Emb informed Aug 13 as follows:
Dept considers question of abduction children as weakest link in case which could be made in GA against satellites. First, there is inadequate evidence, as shown by UNSCOB report, that any substantial number of children were forcibly taken. Second, there is little or no evidence that satellite states were directly concerned in abduction. Only group which could be definitely indicted as responsible for physical removal children from Greece is guerrillas, and no useful purpose would be served by endeavoring obtain GA condemnation of guerrillas. Third, satellite states could easily and plausibly argue that reception by them of children was simply humanitarian act. Fourth, attempt to fix blame on satellites would open way for barrage of counter charges against Grk Govt for failing to care for its people, instituting “reign of terror” etc.
Consequently we would consider it highly undesirable bring up question in First, Political Committee of Assembly, which is where main action on Grk case will be taken. Opponents could use this issue to distract attention from essential elements of case and create doubts in minds of uninformed delegates regarding character Grk Govt and justice Grk case.
If issue is to be raised at all, we feel it should be presented purely with idea of facilitating repatriation of children, not with any implication of fixing blame for past actions. It should properly be brought before Third, Economic and Social, Committee, and presentation should be mild and unprovocative.
Economic and Social Council now meeting Geneva expected consider general question displaced children all countries and will probably pass resolution recommending that all displaced children in whatever country be returned to their parents. This resolution will necessarily form part of ECOSOC report to GA and be discussed in Third Committee. Dept considers this would afford opportunity for Greece to raise specific question of Greek children if it so desired. We believe this procedure would be preferable to introduction separate agenda item because of difficulty making sure such item would be referred to Third Committee rather than First Committee. Also it would attract less attention in advance and so minimize danger of satellite propaganda barrage. Should ECOSOC fail to adopt appropriate resolution, Grk Govt would still have time submit separate item if it wished.
Red Cross Societies understood to be making some progress toward agreement on repatriation children. If satisfactory arrangements made through this channel by time question would come up on Assembly agenda, we think Grk Govt might well decide not to raise it in GA.
In conclusion Emb rep was told frankly Dept would prefer, from tactical point of view, avoid necessity for discussing question on children in GA at all. However we recognized justice of Grk complaint and that Grk Govt entitled present its case to GA if other means of regaining children failed. Consequently, we willing support Greeks in [Page 255] course suggested if they desired. It was emphasized we would not rpt not feel able support them in any attempt fix blame for removal children or sheltering them neighboring countries and that our position this regard based on practical realities to be faced GA.