Editorial Note
At a meeting of UNSCOB on April 10, Mexico submitted a resolution requesting the special session of the General Assembly to add supplementary items clarifying UNSCOB’s terms of reference. Mr. Drew reported: “I spoke first to effect that US delegate had consistently maintained that committee itself had all necessary authority to give broad interpretation to its terms of reference and request to General Assembly unnecessary. Also made it plain that Department opposed [Page 243] on grounds that it would be impossible to exclude basic Greek problem from debate. I further pointed out that in my opinion we would be offering a forum to those countries supporting Greek rebels to attack UNSCOB and the recognized government of Greece.” The Mexican resolution was defeated the same afternoon, Brazil, Mexico, and Pakistan supporting the resolution. China abstained and the remaining countries opposed it. (Telegram 155, April 10, 7 p. m., from Salonika, identified also as Combal 143, 501.BB Balkan/4–1048.)