868.00/11–1748: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State

secret   priority

Martel 148. For Humelsine. Reur 258.1 Secretary’s letter to King dispatched here November 3. Primarily thank-you note but following is complete quotation official portion for your information:

“I see that very definite steps have been taken since my visit in Athens to meet the difficulties of the situation and I sincerely hope that the appointment of General Papagos and the declaration of martial law will bring about a definite improvement. I also trust that prompt action by my govt to make possible the immediate establishment of a trained replacement system to refresh the Greek Army and also to permit soldiers to enjoy the reassuring and stimulating effect [Page 184] of visiting their families, will have a marked effect in improving morale.”

Sent Athens 146 eyes only for Ambassador Grady from Carter,2 repeated Dept Martel 148.

  1. Dated November 16, not printed; this telegram was sent by Ambassador (Grady to Secretary Marshall at Paris (868.00/11–1748). The message was not repeated to the Department.
  2. Brig. Gen. Marshall S. Carter was Assistant to the Secretary of State at the Third Regular Session of the General Assembly.