Participation of the United States in the Belgrade Conference on the Regime for Free Navigation of the Danube River 1
1. Bibliographical Note.—A large quantity of material comprising background studies and position papers, some publications, conference documents, minutes, speeches, and maps, is in the files of the Department of State under Lot No. 54 D 262, Box 12435. A smaller collection, mostly duplication but with some supplementary, unindexed documents, is contained in three packages in the “Bulky Files” under 840.811/9–148. There are several folders with the number 715.5 and a short title in the Belgrade Embassy Post files, Lot No. F–172, Box 44 (or 59 A 543). These are chiefly copies of telegrams, not all of which are in other collections. Relevant portions from the essential historical treaties relating to the arrangements for the regulation of the Danube river navigation and control are collected in-Department of State, “Treaties and Conventions Relating to Navigation on the Danube, 1815–1947,” in Documents and State Papers, vol. i, no. 4 (July 1948), pp. 250–274. There is a helpful article by Fred L. Hadsel on “Freedom of Navigation on the Danube,” in Department of State Bulletin, June 20, 1948, pp. 787–79, 797. A review of the course of the Belgrade Conference by Maxwell Harway, Assistant Inland Transport Adviser, Office of Transport and Communications, in the Department of State, who was the Technical Secretary of the United States delegation to the Belgrade Conference, together with four Annexes containing a selection of some more significant documents and statements of this conference, is printed in an article entitled “Soviet Domination of the Danube Conference,” in Documents and State Papers, vol. i, no. 8 (November and December 1948), pp. 487–513. See also for newspaper coverage, the New York Times Index 1948, pp. 268–269, under the entry “Danube River.” The text of the Convention concerning the Régime of Navigation on the Danube, with two annexes and a supplementary protocol, which was signed in Belgrade on August 18, 1948, is published in United Nations Treaty Series, vol. xxxiii, pp. 181–225.
[466] The Acting Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Offices
840.811/9–3048: Circular telegram
[467] Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State for Transportation and Communications (Norton) to the Under Secretary of State (Lovett)
[468] Memorandum by Mr. John W. Tuthill, Adviser in the Office of Transport and Communications, to the Director of the Office of European Affairs (Hickerson)
[469] Memorandum by the Director of the Office of European Affairs (Hickerson) to Mr. John W. Tuthill, Adviser in the Office of Transport and Communications
[470] Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State for Transportation and Communications (Norton) to the Under Secretary of State (Lovett)