740.00119 Council/3–1148
The British Embassy to the Department of State
As a result of the first session of the talks in London about Germany, Mr. Bevin has sent to the Military Governor of the British Zone instructions on certain points arising from those talks.
2. In summarised form, with reference to the relevant meetings and documents, these instructions are as follows:
- (a)
- To complete, if possible within thirty days, the tripartite analysis of the situation in the bizonal area and in the French Zone, and the study of measures to harmonise policy and action in the two areas. Priority is to be given to the second point. (Plenary meeting on the 2nd March1).
- (b)
- To make arrangements for a close association with the Benelux representatives in Germany on the lines of the reply to the Benelux Delegation contained in document TRI/10,2 which was approved at the Plenary meeting on the 6th March.3
- (c)
- In conjunction with the United States and French Military
Governors to convene a Working Party whose proceedings should be
secret to consider certain points in the report on political and
economic organisation (TRI/44). It is to be understood:
- (i)
- that the Military Governors will call in those representatives in Berlin who have the best right to express their views, and
- (ii)
- that, for the purpose of the study of Land boundaries, referred to in paragraph 21 of the report contained in document TRI/4, no consideration will be given to the convenience of the present occupation forces. (TRI/8 and Plenary meeting on the 5th March5).
- (d)
- To convene a Working Party of representatives of the three Military Governors in consultation with a Delegation of the Benelux [Page 146] Governments to study the question of safeguarding the rights of foreign owners of the coal and steel industries in the Ruhr. This study will be conducted in the context only of the future international control of the Ruhr and not with reference to the present practices of Allied Military Government. (TRI/5 and Plenary meeting on the 4th March6).
- (e)
- In conjunction with the United States and French Military Governors to complete as soon as possible, the review of existing stocks of machine tools, started after the discussions in August on the level of industry. (Informal meeting on the 3rd March.7)
3. Mr. Bevin hopes that the United States Government will be able to send similar instructions in the very near future to the United States Military Governor. He is particularly anxious that the analysis and study, mentioned in paragraph 2 (a) above, should proceed without delay.8
- The reference here is to the 8th Meeting of the London Conference on Germany, March 2; see telegram 829, Delsec 1599, March 2, from London, p. 114.↩
- Ante, p. 144.↩
- For the report on the meeting under reference, see telegram 906, Delsec 1620, March 6, from London, p. 140.↩
- The substance of the document under reference was reported upon in telegram 894, Delsec 1616, March 5, from London, p. 131.↩
- The 10th Meeting of the London Conference on Germany, March 5, referred to here, was reported upon in telegram 894, Delsec 1616, March 5, from London, p. 131; regarding document TRI/8, see footnote 2 to telegram 894.↩
- Document TRI/5 and the 9th Meeting of the London Conference on Germany, March 4 are the subject of telegrams 876, Delsec 1611 and 875, Delsec 1612, March 4, from London, pp. 124, 126.↩
- See telegrams 849, March 8, and 851, March 3, from London, pp. 118 and 121.↩
- In a communication to Secretary of State Marshall dated March 16, not printed, British Ambassador Lord Inverchapel reported that Foreign Secretary Bevin had discussed with members of the British Cabinet the results of the London Conference on Germany and had been authorized to state that the British Government was in agreement with the general trend of the talks at the Conference (740.00119 Council/3–1648).↩