740.0011 EW (Peace)/11–1648: Telegram
The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Holmes) to the Secretary of State
4880. For Reber. At meeting on 15 at Foreign Office at which Marjoribanks and Cullis of Foreign Office, Luc, French Embassy, and Keith were present, program to be adopted re proposed resumption of [Page 1509] Austrian treaty talks was discussed. Discussion took into account that agreement had been reached between three western powers and Austrian government, that latter should address note to four governments concerned at end of November requesting them to seek basis for resumption of Deputies meetings and that this arrangement was subject to there being no developments in international situation necessitating modification of plans.
Various steps necessary to carry out program for resumption of discussion considered informally and following are tentative suggestions to three western governments as drafted by British land approved by Strang following meeting:
- a.
- In absence of any developments in Berlin situation or in some other field which would cause modification of plans for Austrian treaty, approach should be made to Austrian Government on 29 November informing them that three western powers saw no objection to their addressing note to all four governments. Should be suggested to Austrian Government that note be brief and in general terms only. Austrian Government should be careful to request meeting simply to seek basis for resuming talks. This would avoid giving impression that Austrian Government was asking us to reverse attitude taken last May when we broke off talks. It was agreed that it was essential that we approve contents of Austrian note before it was sent. Would be preferable for one representative alone of western powers in Vienna to concert this action with Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As London is point at which action is being co-ordinated, it was suggested that HM Minister, Vienna, should make this approach.
- b.
- On receipt of Austrian note, US Deputy, as chairman of next meeting of Deputies, should suggest through Secretary General CFM to his three colleagues that in view of Austrian request, meeting of Deputies should be called for Monday, January 17. Meeting would be designed to explore possibilities for resumption of talks.
- c.
- Also agreed that, if this programme were approved, three western delegations should meet in London for informal discussions 4 or 5 days before appointed date, on agenda previously circulated.
With regard to approach to Austrian Foreign Minister by British Minister at Vienna, this was thought of British and French with which Keith acquiesced, subject, as in case of other points contained in memorandum, to Washington’s approval.
Sent Department 4880; repeated Paris for Bohlen 879, Vienna 130.