740.00119 Control (Germany)/1–2148: Telegram
The Acting United States Political Adviser for Germany (Riddleberger) to the Secretary of State
163. Under “other business” US Representative gave preliminary report 77th meeting Allied Control Council held January 201 re [Page 868] US-British decisions Frankfurt January 7 meeting.2 US emphasized aimed at increasing efficiency administration, preliminary nature of talks, and economic rather than political nature proposed changes, which will in no way prejudge Germany’s future organization. Invitation to Soviets and French to join Bizonal economic fusion still stands. Latest Bizonal plans not yet complete, except for export-import field, now being circulated ACC, but as further details become available they will be circulated ACC.
As anticipated, Soviet member (Sokolovsky) read prepared statement attacking latest Bizonal developments. This contrasted US, British and French refusal London CFM3 agree Soviet proposal for establishment central German Govt with new Frankfurt setup, which Soviet branded as separatist German Govt for Bizonal area. These Bizonal measures taken behind ACC’s back constitute gross violations Potsdam and Control Council machinery agreements. Sokolovsky also ridiculed US-British claim that Frankfurt decisions taken in consultation German leaders, charging US and British persecute German pro-unity forces while cooperating with the splitters: Schumacher, Adenauer, and Kaisen. Soviets insist on termination Bizonal activities.
French member made short statement, noting US-British assurances,] but indicating forced state reservations to latest developments. British member emphasized joint US-British views.
US member suggested deferring further discussion until new Bi-zonal arrangements complete. Control Council agreed.
Berlin press January 21 reports above discussion, Soviet-controlled press giving full text Sokolovsky’s statement.4
Sent Dept; Moscow as 20; London as 21; Paris 30.
Dept please pass to Moscow as Berlin’s 20.
The Allied Control Council for Germany, composed of the military governors of the four zones of occupation of Germany, was the supreme Allied agency in the Allied Control Authority for Germany. For a survey of the organization and functions of the Allied Control Authority for Germany, including a description of the operations of the Control Council and its subordinate agencies, see des patch 8336, January 6, 1947, from Berlin, Foreign Relations, 1947, vol. ii, p. 831.
The other transactions of the 77th Meeting of the Control Council were re-ported upon in telegrams 172, January 21, from Berlin, infra, and 173, January 21, from Berlin, not printed. Present at this meeting of the Council were Generals Clay, Robertson, Koenig, and Marshal Sokolovsky.
↩ - The January 7 meeting under reference here is reported upon in telegram 14, January 7, from Frankfurt, p. 4.↩
- Under reference here is the Fifth Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, held in London, November 25–December 15, 1947; for documentation on that session, see Foreign Relations, 1947, vol. ii, pp. 676 ff.↩
Marshal Sokolovsky’s statement, which was published in the Soviet press, on January 22, is printed in Vneshnyaya politika Sovetskogo Soyuza, 1948 god, Chast’ (Part) I (Moscow: 1950), p. 365.
At the 79th Meeting of the Control Council, February 11, 1948, Marshal Sokolovsky made another, similar, lengthy statement, protesting the issuance in the United States zone of occupation of Proclamations 7 and 8 regarding the reorganization of the Bizonal Economic Council and the establishment of the Bizonal Supreme Court. Sokolovsky’s statement was reported upon in telegram 346, February 12, from Berlin, not printed. (740.00119 Control (Germany)/2–1248)