Editorial Note
During the second part of the London Conference on Germany, April 20 to June 1, agreement was reached on the terms of reference for a Working Party of representatives from the United States, United Kingdom, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg to study proposals and prepare a report regarding proposals for the readjustment [Page 682] of the western frontiers of Germany. These terms of reference were set forth in conference document TRI/20 (Final), May 26, page 288. The agreement on this document was noted in paragraph F of the Report of the London Conference on Germany, June 1, page 309, and document TRI/20 (Final) was included as Annex K of the Report.
In a note to Secretary of State Marshall dated June 26, not printed, French Ambassador Bonnet proposed that the six-power Working Party on Western German Boundaries be convened at Paris in early July in order to take up its tasks. (862.014/6–2648) Following an exchange of communications during early July among the governments concerned, a time and place for convening the Working Party was agreed upon.
The Working Party on Western German Boundaries met in Paris from July 22 to August 5 and from August 24 to September 1. Professor David Harris, of Stanford University, former Assistant Chief of the Division of Central European Affairs of the Department of State, served as United States Representative on the Working Group. Harry I. Nicholas served as Economic Adviser to Professor Harris. Professor Harris’ telegraphic reports from Paris on the progress of the meetings of the Working Party together with the Department of State’s telegraphic instructions to Harris are included in Department file 862.014.