740.00119 Control (Germany)/12–448: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom


4539. ToRuhr 18. For Douglas. ToRuhr 17.1

In presenting French note to Lovett, Bonnet stated French have now give up Ruhr ownership issue but frankly seek minimum management powers and controls adequate for their essential security and that U.K. and Benelux prepared to meet essentials of their position.
In view of this and lull during period of dismantling talks we suggest now is time to take initiative. Realistic appraisal of French proposals in detail should indicate whether any practical substance remains valid in addition to whole range of other agreed and projected security measures, or alternatively any reasonable and workable control techniques can be developed which find British and Benelux support. Since Ruhr authority is prerequisite to provisional government we do not wish recess in Ruhr talks.
It appears to us that stated objectives of French proposal have some merit and that it should be possible for you to develop with U.K. and perhaps Benelux countries solutions which would satisfy French as to those objectives and be workable in the long run.
We still believe solution for these objectives can be found without specific clauses in Ruhr agreement and that additional powers should be conferred on IAR only in the event no other alternative possible.
What are your views?

Repeat to USPolAd, Berlin 1909 Pass to Clay.

Repeat to Paris 4650.

  1. Department telegram 4528, December 3, p. 543.