740.00119 Council/5–3148: Telegram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Douglas) to the Secretary of State
2376. Delsec 1772. Referring our 2363 and portion thereof referred to in our conversation of this afternoon,1 following is text of language proposed for insertion at the end subparagraph (G) of section II conference report to governments:2
“It is recommended that upon acceptance of this program the three occupying powers jointly give consideration to all aspects of the situation in Germany which may result from the announcement or the implementation by the governments of the program recommended by this conference for Germany.”
I feel certain that correct interpretation this language will provide for automatic assessment of the situation in Germany following the acceptance of the program by the governments. It was emphasized and is clearly understood by all that this does not imply any right to hold high level governmental discussions on the subject. In my judgment it does mean that the appropriate representatives of the three occupying powers will jointly assess the situation without necessarily awaiting the development of any adverse reactions. Such joint assessment can be undertaken through ordinary diplomatic channels or between [Page 304] the military governors in Germany. I do not regard this provision as imposing upon US Government any significant new commitment since the effective implementation of the program will in any case require extensive consultation among the military governors and in event of strong Soviet reaction, also among the governments.
I hope you will be able to indicate the approval of the Department and Army for the use of this language in our telephone conversation of tomorrow morning, since Massigli has stressed need for it to strengthen Bidault’s position and since it has been approved here, rendering retraction or modification embarrassing and difficult.
New subject. It was agreed that no press conference would be granted with regard to the recommendations arrived at or the contents of the second communiqué until the issuance of this communiqué. It is hoped that all parties will observe their commitments to this effect since the release by any official source of any of the significant particulars would defeat the purpose of our strategy in delaying release of second communiqué until day proceeding debate in French Assembly.
Sent Department 2376; repeated USPolAd Berlin 162.