740.00119 Council/5–2648: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in France

top secret   us urgent

1849. Urtel 2789 and Delsec 1759 from London.1 Dept will wish to undertake similar approach to legislative branch US Govt by informing Congressional leaders re conference recommendations before approval. US and French situations not entirely analogous but possibly Bidault’s first step should envisage consultation of this kind and be directed to avoidance of general debate if possible or to limitation of debate to terms of conference communiqué as suggested.2

Sent Paris as 1849; repeated to London as 1959.

  1. Neither printed.
  2. Telegram 2874, May 29, from Paris, not printed, reported that Bidault insisted that there was no way to avoid a general debate in the French National Assembly but he would endeavor to limit debate to the terms of the Conference communiqué (740.00119 Council/5–2948).