740.00119 Control (Germany)/4–1348: Telegram
The United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy) to the Secretary of State
853. Personal for Hickerson. Your 635 April 10.2
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About timing of an announcement of intent to proceed with establishment of a government for western Germany we do not seem to be any farther along on this road than we were some months ago. In absence of an agreement with French it doesn’t seem to me we are in any position to make an announcement re establishment of a government for western Germany. However in view of attitude and conduct of USSR at Berlin recently our position in Berlin would not in my opinion be adversely affected by establishment of a western German government in advance of similar Soviet step. We have made our position on German unity abundantly clear and should we arrive at point where an announcement re western German government may be possible it should undoubtedly be accompanied by explanation that it is aimed in direction of eventual government for all Germany. A reference to the tradition of the Frankfurt assembly of 1848 would undoubtedly be apt.
We also doubt advisability of three sets of elections and find your suggestions re combining direct elections for provisional government with those of constitutional assembly attractive. You of course had my 821 of April 93 outlining compromise suggested by General Clay to Couve de Murville during latter’s recent Berlin visit. Under that [Page 180] compromise Clay would be willing forego establishment of provisional government in consideration of advance of the timetable for constituent assembly, namely, 1 September 48, This compromise would automatically reduce number of elections and has much to be said for it, Couve de Murville seemed to be attracted to it.
I suggest that it would not be wise for me to handle governmental working party at London for reasons you will understand. I believe this can be handled satisfactorily if Douglas is given firm instructions re Departmental policy. I think he should be telegraphed a formula which the Department desires followed. Incidentally, we have as yet no instructions or travel orders re London meeting. I presume these will be forthcoming.