
Memorandum by Brigadier General C. V. R. Schuyler, of the Department of the Army, to the Under Secretary of the Army (Draper)

Subject: Chinese Thirty-Nine Division Program

The 39 Division Program, as a program, ceased on VJ–Day. The term “program,” as used herein, is a mechanical means of implementing a commitment. During the war the 39 Division Program was the mechanical means of transferring the moderate amount of equipment (3,000 tons per division) with which it was intended to equip 39 Chinese divisions, and so strengthen the Chinese army. The President, on 11 August 1945, directed the Commanding General, China Theater,85 that “military assistance will be continued for the present for the purpose of supporting Chinese military operations essential in the reoccupation by Central Government forces of all areas in the China Theater now held by the Japanese.…”86 This directive automatically precludes any assistance except that required to support the reoccupation mission, and therefore does away with any program which, as a program, is designed only to strengthen the Chinese Army. This did not, however, nullify any commitment which might have been made to the Chinese Government, and in view of the President’s verbal commitment to Mr. T. V. Soong,87 14 September 1945, “to complete the 39 Division Program,” there still existed a requirement to provide the supplies required to satisfy the commitment. Accordingly, to prevent duplication in transfer of equipment, the Commanding General, China Theater, was directed to maintain records of all equipment transferred to support the reoccupation mission (Reoccupation Program) and to apply the equipment so transferred as a credit against the 39 Division commitment. The Reoccupation Program can, therefore, be considered as having satisfied both the support required for the reoccupation mission and also the supplies required for the 39 Division commitment. The total amount of equipment transferred under the Reoccupation Program completed, in terms of equipment required, the commitment to complete the 39 Division Program.
At a meeting on 21 October 1947 the Secretary of State questioned the extent to which the Chinese had been notified of the fulfillment of the commitment indicated above. This point was checked with the former China Theater Commander, General Wedemeyer, [Page 906] and he stated that he had notified the Chinese of the implications of fulfillment in implementing the Reoccupation Program, and that the Chinese fully understood that the completion of this program satisfied the 39 Division commitment.
C. V. R. Schuyler
  1. Lt. Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer.
  2. Omission indicated in the original memorandum.
  3. Then President of the Chinese Executive Yuan.