656D.006/3–2247: Telegram
The Chargé in the Netherlands (Benton) to the Secretary of State
200. Netherlands Government has released to press statement translation of which follows:
“Continued friendly contact between the Netherlands and American Governments has led to agreement as to the solving of the difficulties attendant upon the voyage of the Martin Behrman to Indonesian waters.
The Netherlands Government have informed the American Government that they deplore not only these difficulties, but also the disturbance created thereby in the public opinion of the Netherlands and the United States. In the view of the Netherlands Government those difficulties have to a large extent resulted from the refusal of the Isbrandtsen Line to comply with the Netherlands Indies regulations and with the advice and direction given to the company by both the Netherlands and the American Government. It has been repeatedly pointed out both to the Isbrandtsen Line and to the Martin Behrman what consequences could ensue if the existing regulations in the Netherlands Indies were not observed. This is clearly apparent from the joint statement issued today by the Netherlands Ministries for Overseas Territories and Foreign Affairs.
To remove the difficulties and taking into consideration the fact that the Martin Behrman was already en route to Cheribon before the new Netherlands Indies import and export regulations were announced, the Netherlands Indies Government has agreed to give the Martin Behrman a legal cargo, thus enabling the ship to earn the same freight charges.
Furthermore, the Netherlands Indies Government has agreed to refund to the ship’s owners the cost of proceeding from Cheribon to Tandjong Priok, which costs may be fixed by arbitration.
The Netherlands Indies Government, however, can only follow this course, provided the Isbrandtsen Steamship Company declares for her part that she will not take action in the United States against the cargo that now will be carried as otherwise only cargo consigned to European ports could be provided.
As follows from yesterday’s statement by the State Dept,42 the American Government consider the matter closed. The Netherlands and Netherlands Indies Government rejoice with the American Government that it has been found possible to reach agreement promptly as soon as all the necessary data had become available.”43
- For Department press release of March 21 and editorial note on the Martin Behrman case, see Department of State Bulletin, April 20, 1947, p. 720.↩
- Telegram 201, March 22, 4 p.m., from The Hague quoted the Netherlands Government’s reply of March 21 to the American note (656D.006/3–2247). Telegrams 146, March 25, to The Hague and 219, March 29, from The Hague, indicated that a difference of interpretation ensued between Washington and The Hague (656D.006/3–2247, 3–2947).↩