501.BB Korea/12–3047: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Acting Political Adviser in Korea (Langdon)
303. Reference Johnson’s report to NY Times from Seoul dated Dec 29 that Soviet broadcasts have raised “race question”, Dept suggests that CG USAFIK or you with his approval might wish to make statement to Korean press pointing out, without mentioning “race question”, that inclusion of China, India, and the Philippines on UN Commission affords unique opportunity for Koreans, in attaining international status, to avail themselves of assistance of an international body with three fellow Oriental peoples represented thereon. Such statement might also tend to counteract Soviet propaganda belittling UN Commission.
It would be helpful to Dept to receive telegraphic summary of Korean reaction to date to UN Commission to be followed up by subsequent reports. Constructive comment by Koreans might be used here for dissemination to press in U.S. and possible playbacks over VOUSA.