501.BB Korea/12–347: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Acting Political Adviser in Korea (Langdon)

us urgent

274. Jacobs will confer Dec 5 and 6 with Victor Hoo82 and other responsible UN offiicals. Hausner, Adm. Asst. UN Secretariat (Deptel 272 Dec 283) indicates, however, no countries have yet named delegates and although Victor Hoo (Deptel 262 Nov 17) expects call first meeting Commission before middle December, anticipated this meeting cannot be more than organizational in character and material decision (such as request that USAFIK proceed with preparation for election or fixing of date for election) may not develop.

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If Jacobs finds that the foregoing estimate of the situation is correct, he will then suggest the desirability of the issuance by some responsible UN official of a public statement of a character which would lend itself to dissemination in Korea in support of USAFIK preparations for an election before the arrival of the Commission (PolAd’s 495, 496, Nov 2984). In seeking such a statement, Jacobs will point out that, if issued, the CG USAFIK would be instructed to:

Undertake immediate administrative preparations for an election, and
Put Skila law into effect contingent upon final ratification and possible modification after consultation with the UN Commission upon its arrival in Korea.

It is felt principal purposes to be served by putting Skila election law into provisional effect are: (1) recognition of Skila work and (2) establishing date for election 80 days subsequent to effective date of approval and within time limit set by UN. These factors, combined with reiteration US determination to conform to provisions UN resolution on Korea, should be used to (1) concentrate energies of Koreans on preparations for elections and (2) form the basis for discouraging followers of Rhee and others from precipitate contrary action.

In order to overcome objectionable features Skila law listed in Exhibit C of the “Plan for National Elections in Korea”, which Jacobs will point out to UN officials, and which may be the basis for Commission’s recommendations for changes in Skila law, CG USAFIK should take all appropriate measures to encourage Korean authorities to make as many of those changes as possible, without however bringing about a deadlock or raising a public issue.

This telegram is purely informative and requires no action unless CG USAFIK may wish to renew efforts along lines indicated in the preceding paragraph.

  1. UN Assistant Secretary General in charge of Department of Trusteeship and Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Telegram 496 not printed.