740.00119 Control (Korea)/9–1747: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs)


220. Urtels 356, 366.22 Dept has given further serious consideration advisability having Korean observers at UN and has consulted USDel New York. Consensus is that unless there is overpowering pressure for such observers they should be discouraged for following reasons: (1) presence observers from south Korea would necessitate same from north Korea with consequent confusion of issue and possible real detriment to UN consideration Korean case; (2) whole problem observers at UN from non-member states or affiliated organizations delicate due pressure from WFTU, Moroccans and others who wish to use UN as propaganda forum. Believe Koreans could be assured action in New York is primarily for purpose obtaining agreement among UN members on action to expedite Korean independence and setting up of Provisional Govt and that definite provision will be made for consultation with Korean Provisional Govt on future of Korea including any agreements on aid and assistance necessary to put Korea on firm [Page 816] economic and political foundation. Even should Dept decide Korean appearance at UN desirable, final decision on matter is by GA itself and not US alone.

On other hand, presence in US of Koreans who could be relied on to give some support to our policies would doubtless have beneficial effect in counteracting efforts of Rhee group. In addition you may feel that trip to US by three Skila members, including if possible Kimm Kiusic, would have salutary effect in Korea even if they did not officially appear before UN.

If in light of above considerations you believe such trip important Dept prepared defray incidental travel and living expenses in US. Air transportation to and from US will be provided for by War Dept under separate authorization. Your recommendations desired soonest. If Koreans come US it should be made clear they are coming for consultation Dept and every effort should be made to prevent false hopes regarding appearance before UN.

  1. Neither printed.