740.00119 Control (Korea)/9–2447: Telegram

The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State


376. Cite Zurc 1186. Chief Soviet Commissioner has thrice requested by letter Chief American Commissioner who is chairman this week to call meeting, the third letter stating that “without regard to whether the American delegation is ready with an answer (to the Soviet’s proposal at 60th meeting as set forth Seoul PolAd 359, September 17) Soviet delegation insists on meeting for purpose of discussing further steps in the work of the Joint Commission”.

General Brown has replied that as result of Soviet’s insistence he will call meeting for 1330, September 26. Any instructions Department may have are urgently requested before that date. General Brown will answer last Soviet proposal mentioned above substantially along lines mentioned Seoul PolAd 359, September 17.21

  1. In telegram 217, September 25, 7 p.m., to Seoul, the Department approved the proposed American reply and suggested that it specifically refer to the fact that the American delegation’s position “is in exact accordance with agreement reached in Marshall–Molotov exchange of letters on basis of which Joint Commission resumed discussions”. (740.00119 Control (Korea)/9–1747)