867N.01/3–2647: Telegram
The Ambassador in Egypt (Tuck) to the Secretary of State
368. [League of] Arab States at Council meeting Monday night: (1) pledged themselves to defend independence Palestine; (2) authorized establishment League committee to organize such defence; (3) requested member states to supply necessary funds to Higher Arab Committee [sic] to intensify Palestine propaganda and to educate Arabs abroad with view of creating Arab university in Palestine; (4) demanded complete and immediate stoppage immigration. Council also protested against inefficient British measures against illegal immigration. Criticism of America and President Truman were dropped from original resolution.1
Council reiterated support of unity and independence of Libya and charged Secretary General of the League to exert every effort to participation of League or Arab states2 in any inquiry or plebiscite concerning Libya. Embassy advised informally that League is drafting note on this subject.
Repeated London 25.
- The texts of the four resolutions were transmitted to the Department in despatch 2385, March 28, from Cairo. The despatch reported that during the Council discussions, the Iraqi delegate advocated drastic action against the United States and Great Britain, amounting to a breaking-off of diplomatic relations. This view was tempered by the other member states (867N.01/3–2847).↩
- Seemingly garbled; despatch 2385 indicates participation of “the Arab League or some Arab countries” was intended at this point.↩