The Ambassador of the Soviet Union in Iran (Sadchikov) to the Iranian Prime Minister (Qavam)1
Upon instructions from the Soviet Government I wish to submit the following to your attention, in reply to your letter No. 16807 dated November 23 of the current year:
In the note of the Soviet Government dated November 20 of the current year, indisputable facts were given concerning the violation by the Iranian Government of the Agreement of April 4, 1946 for the formation of a joint Irano-Soviet Oil Company.
The reply of the Iranian Government, which was contained in your letter of November 23 is not a denial of the facts stated in the note of the Soviet Government but completely confirms them. An entirely useless effort has been made in that letter to legalize the violation of the obligation which the Iranian Government had assumed.
Therefore, according to the above-stated facts, the Soviet Government absolutely confirms the text of its note of 20 November of the current year.
Please accept, etc.2
- Copy transmitted to the Department by Tehran in despatch 561, December 8.↩
- The Embassy in Tehran commented in telegram 1203, December 6, that the latest Soviet note “adds nothing new. Coming after ominous closing statement Sadchikoff’s previous note new message seems anticlimactic and indicates Sadchikoff still maintains normal relations with Iranian Government contrary predictions he would be recalled immediately.” (761.91/12–647)↩