SWNCC Files, Lot 54–D202

Report on the Meeting of the State–War–Navy Coordinating Committee Subcommittee on Foreign Policy Information

top secret

Mr. Russell summarized Mr. Acheson’s review of the Greek situation:1

Great Britain has just informed the United States that it is going to withdraw economc assistance from Greece as of March 15 [31]. The question now arises as to the position of the United States in regard to Greece, Turkey.

At a meeting at the White House, representatives of Congress were informed that it was the position of the Executive branch of the government that a loan should be given to Greece so that its economy would not collapse, and that steps should be taken to make arms and equipment available to the Greek army.

As to the effect of an announcement at this time upon Secretary Marshall’s position at the Moscow Conference, Mr. Acheson had reported that Secretary Marshall believes that everything that is necessary to be done to hold the position in the Near East should be done regardless of the effect upon the Conference.

In the last 18 months the position of the democracies in the world has seriously deteriorated. While Byrnes negotiated on settlements in central Europe, the Russians were maneuvering in other parts of the world, notably in the Near East. In Iran their activities were not particularly successful. In Greece they have partially achieved their purpose through the EAM and the border raids. In Turkey, Hungary, Austria, Italy and France, Communist activities are growing.

Secretary Marshall takes the position that the world has arrived at a point in its history that has not been paralleled since ancient history. The present problem is not one of bailing out the British, or one of giving aid to loyal Allies.

[Page 67]

It is the intention of the President and the Secretary to bring the matter formally to Congress and to the American people in about a week.

Secretary Marshall is leaving on Wednesday. He must know before then the nature of the position that will be announced to the American people.

Mr. Acheson believes that the matter must be put over forcefully; the U.S. position must be made strong and clear.

Developments in the situation have leaked out in London this morning. There may be a good deal of comment in the papers this afternoon.

Secretary Marshall spoke to the press last night in an off-the-record meeting, briefed them on the situation.2

Mr. Russell said that for the information of the Subcommittee, World Report carried an article that is accurate.

Russell said that Henderson listed the objectives of the U.S. in Greece as:

Equip the Greek army so that it can restore order.
Reduce army after order has been restored.
Bring about reconstruction of Greek economy and administration so that country can be self-suporting.

A group in the State Department is working on the reply to the British, an agenda of the matters to be discussed with the British, and legislation.

Legislation will be:

Joint Resolution by Congress authorizing Export-Import Bank to grant such sums as are urgently required.
Joint Resolution or law authorizing detail of American government personnel to supervise expenditure of funds.
Enabling legislation for subsidiary appropriations by Congress to meet the needs of Greece and Turkey.
Legislation to authorize transfer of military and other supplies to Greek government.

[Here follows further discussion.]

  1. Possibly a reference to the staff meeting suggested for February 28 in Mr. Henderson’s memorandum of February 27, p. 64; for an account of that meeting, see the memorandum by the Director, Office of Public Affairs (Russell), March 17, p. 121.
  2. Mr. Russell, later in this report, stated that the Secretary’s meeting with about 20 State Department reporters was the first step in the information program and that “a large degree of candor” was exhibited. Joseph M. Jones, states that it was Mr. Acheson who held this press conference (Joseph M. Jones: The Fifteen Weeks (February 21–June 5, 1947), New York, The Viking Press, 1955).