868.00/2–2747: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Greece

top secret

224. Brit Amb Feb 24 presented two notes re Greece and Turkey respectively summaries of which are set forth as sections two and three this message. Brit Emb informs Dept that substance these notes has been given you by Norton. Greeks have not yet been informed.

Would appreciate urgently your and Porter’s comments on note concerning Greece particularly re sums mentioned and your opinion magnitude US financial aid required for all-out assistance to Greece as well as suggestions on implementation.1

Subsequent telegrams will outline US position, Dept’s reply to British, and will contain instructions re approaches to Greek Govt. [Page 66] No answer has yet gone to Brit and subject is not yet to be discussed with Greeks either here or Athens.

[Here follow summaries of the British notes of February 21.]

  1. In telegram 305, March 3, from Athens, Ambassador Porter gave his opinion that: “Assuming US Government intends to bear full burden military, relief and reconstruction expenses, figures used in summary British note re Greece check approximately with our data.” (868.50/3–347)