868.01/12–3047: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Greece
2076. At press conference today Dec 30 in reply to questions Acting Secy Lovett made following statement:
“The claim of certain Communist guerrilla leaders that they have established at some unknown point a “First Provisional Democratic Government of Free Greece” is a transparent device, the true purpose of which will be clear to everyone. It is only a phase in the familiar [Page 478] effort of certain elements to overthrow the legitimate and recognized Greek Government and to threaten the territorial integrity and political independence of Greece. It came as no surprise. In itself, it would not materially change the existing situation.
But if other countries were to recognize the group, this step would have serious implications. It would be clearly contrary to the principles of the UN Charter. And if the country concerned were one of Greece’s neighbors to the north, the act would constitute an open disregard of the recent recommendations of the UN Assembly, as set forth in the Resolution of last October.”
Sent Athens 2076; rptd London 5396, Moscow 2080, Paris 4628, Sofia 602, Belgrade 801, Salonika for BalCom 54, Ankara 732.