868.00/11–1947: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State, at London1
Telmar 4. British military officials both here and Athens have indicated uncertainty regarding position their military missions Greece in light our recent announcement of decision furnish military advice to Grk armed forces and establish staff group plus observers for this purpose. British apparently feel we may be planning take over functions they are performing and they have informally suggested idea their missions might be reduced or withdrawn.
Dept has advised Emb Athens and AMAG as follows by telegram (Deptel 18902) Nov. 22:
- “1. US decision to furnish additional military advice to Grk forces (Amag 496 Nov 193) does not alter US view British military missions should remain Greece. Importance US attaches their remaining evidenced by US willingness have Greece meet certain their costs.
- 2. Dept understands Brit Govt policy prohibits Brit officers in Greece from giving officially military advice of kind US officers will give. Therefore no apparent conflict functions US and Brit officers. Any case, coordination should be possible.
- 3. Dept considers arrangements for coordinating activities US and Brit military missions matter for military and has referred it to Army Dept. We are informed one of first duties joint American military staff will be recommend to US Joint Chiefs of Staff arrangements for relations between Brit and US military agencies Greece. Joint Chiefs will then complete arrangements thru appropriate Brit authorities.
- 4. Dept will continue press for speedy action these questions.”4
Army Dept has similarly explained our views to Brit Joint Staff Mission here.
[Page 420]We understand Bevin may raise this question with you. You may wish explain matter along foregoing line and endeavor check any Brit disposition to use new American activities as excuse for curtailment Brit activities Greece. Understand Army Dept cabling Byroade5 this subject.
Rptd for info to Emb 1908 and AMAG, Athens as 523.
- The Secretary was attending the Fifth Session of the Council of Foreign: Ministers which met at London from November 25 to December 15, 1947.↩
- Identified also as Gama 502, not printed.↩
- Not printed.↩
- In telegram 1906, Gama 518, November 25, the Department informed the Embassy and AMAG at Athens that “If you have not already done so pls convey substance Deptel 1890 (Gama 502) to appropriate Brit authorities. If Brit appear still uncertain or indicate disposition curtail their activities, pls inform Dept and Secretary Marshall in London. The continued presence of the Brit Military Mission in Greece is of the utmost importance to the policies of the US not only in Greece but in the whole Middle East.” (868.00/11–2547)↩
- Col. Henry A. Byroade of the General Staff, Department of the Army; at this time, Military Adviser to the United States Delegation at the Fifth Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers.↩