768.74/11–1447: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Greece


1889. Pls inform FonOff that US considers Grks would be well advised to endeavor to establish normal diplomatic relations with all their northern neighbors in near future. In addition to reasons advanced Sofia tel 10441 (rptd as its 29 Athens) early establishment relations with Bulgaria seems desirable for effective prosecution Grk reparations rights under Art 21 of peace treaty. As to Albania, termination formal state of war and establishment diplomatic relations would serve to vitiate Soviet and satellite charges that Greece has aggressive designs in Balkans. Grk FonOff will recall that at UN Grks pledged fullest cooperation in implementation GA resolution on Grk case, first portion of which calls for establishment normal diplomatic relations in area. Further, in conversation with Dept officials, Tsaldaris indicated Grk intention to present UN Special Balkan Committee with declaration of Grk willingness in this regard. Dept considers latter action would greatly benefit Grk cause and has noted as steps in this direction FonMin’s recent statement re Bulgaria to parliament (urtel 19402) and recent remarks of FonOff Under Secy (urtel 19613). You may wish to point out that diplomatic recognition of regime does not invariably imply approval or agreement with its methods and aims and that existence diplomatic relations between two countries does not necessarily mean that all outstanding questions between them have been resolved. You may refer, for example, to fact US established normal diplomatic relations with Bulgaria while concurrently protesting actions of Bulgarian Govt re Petkov and opposing admission of Bulgaria to UN. In your discretion you may reaffirm to FonOff US [Page 419] view that Grk claims for additional territory to north are unrealizable under present and foreseeable conditions and might well be suspended, if not abandoned, in interest of peace and stability in area.

Sent Athens [1889]; rptd BalCom, Salonika 128.

  1. Dated November 12, 11 a. m., not printed; the reasons given were that Greek failure to recognize the Bulgarian Government would leave Greek interests unprotected and might create an excuse for Bulgarian recognition of the Greek “democratic government” (768.74/11–1247).
  2. Dated November 11, not printed; Foreign Minister Tsaldaris, in an address before Parliament on November 10, stated that Greece was ready to proceed to reestablish relations with Bulgaria notwithstanding her hostile attitude toward Greece and her unwillingness to fulfill her obligations under the peace treaty (868.00/11–1147).
  3. Dated November 14, 11 a. m., not printed.