The Secretary of State to President Truman
My Dear Mr. President: As the American aid program for Greece gets under way, it is felt that an essential condition for its success is the expeditious supply from the United States of materials and equipment which the American Mission for Aid to Greece considers necessary for the restoration and operation of the Greek economy. This is applicable not only to materials and equipment to be purchased with the financial assistance of the United States, but also to items ordered by the Greek Government and private Greek enterprises, where such items are judged by the American Mission important to the Greek program.
I am advised that the supply situation in the United States continues such that for a number of key items procurement difficulties will probably be encountered. To overcome these, it will be necessary to obtain the cooperation of all agencies of the Government. I would appreciate it, therefore, if you would advise the appropriate agencies of the urgency of this program and of the necessity of according it full support. I would also like to suggest for your consideration the possibility of there being established through the Office of the President a working group to assist the Department of State in carrying out such activities as may be necessary to expedite procurement under the program.1
Faithfully yours,
- For the White House announcement on July 2 of the creation of the interagency group to expedite procurement under the Greek aid program, see Department of State Bulletin, July 13, 1947, p. 96.↩