
The Secretary of War (Patterson) to the Secretary of State

Dear Mr. Secretary: Reference is made to your letter of 13 June 1947, file ED, wherein you request the War Department to furnish a statement of the requirements to be procured from British sources in order to support the Greek Armed Forces.

Until such time as supplies from U.S. sources can be made available to Greece, certain limited and vital supplies and equipment are being met from British sources. For the purpose of your negotations, interim requirements to support the Greek Armed Forces from British sources are as follows:

The supply of food to the Greek Armed Forces through 31 August 1947, on the same scale and feeding strength as now used.
Subject to screening by the U.S. mission, provision until further notice (i.e., until such time as the U.S. can take over) of minimum essential amounts of gasoline, fuel oil, and lubricants as mutually agreed upon between the U.S. and British missions in Greece.
Subject to the screening of requirements by the U.S. mission, provision of necessary ammunition and maintenance supplies for British equipment now on hand as mutually agreed upon between the U.S. and British missions in Greece.

The nature and extent of any reimbursement to the British for the supplies to be provided from British sources should be determined by the Department of State. The War Department will furnish any available information to assist in making this determination.

It is requested the War Department be furnished, at an early date, the pricing policy under which costs for British supplies and equipment will be determined.

Sincerely yours,

Robert P. Patterson