740.0011 EW (Peace)/7–647: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Soviet Union


1434. UK FonOff recently decided approach Soviets again (ur 2357 July 61) to point out US, UK and France had ratified treaties and [Page 553] agreed simultaneous deposit ratifications July 1 provided ex-enemy states had ratified by that date; that only USSR had failed respond Brit proposal this regard; and that Brit would therefore be interested in knowing Soviet intentions and whether Soviets desired propose date for deposit ratifications. Although Brit approach2 was discussed with and concurred in by Dept, no proposal was made re joint US, UK French approach. UK FonOff did suggest at one point that US and French Embassies Moscow might follow up Brit approach, to which Dept replied that it would seem preferable not to give Soviets impression we were all overly anxious for early USSR ratification. If opportunity offers, however, you may in your discretion inquire re Soviet intentions.

  1. See footnote 3, above.
  2. See footnote 2 to telegram 2252, p. 551.