740.00119 Control (Germany)/10–3047: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy)

top secret

2200. Personal for Murphy. Dept is discussing subject your 3464, Oct 30,87 with Army on basis info furnished by Army which corresponds generally your message. We propose agree in principle necessity stepped up propaganda in Germany subject to reservations concerned with necessity of overall coordination of policy. We have felt that German info policy has lagged behind our general program but are concerned that it may now go too far, especially with regard to timing [Page 896] and emphasis. We will indicate to Army necessity avoid any action which would support charge US disregarding principles expressed in UN propaganda resolution.88

Dept’s own policy this subject has been under active consideration for some time and plans are well advanced. An ad hoc committee of SANACC is proposing as a matter of urgency a high level board to coordinate activities of State and Defense in field of political propaganda. If adopted, as seems likely, this will of course have important bearing on proposed German program. Pending such development we will urge on Army necessity of immediate coordination, particularly with respect to Austrian broadcasts and Voice of America programs in German. We will also request arrangement during this period for prompt transmission to State of info policy directives affecting Germany and will furnish those now regularly being prepared by Dept.

  1. Supra.
  2. On October 27, 1947, the First Committee of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution on measures to be taken against propaganda and the inciters of a new war. The resolution was subsequently adopted by the General Assembly on November 8; for documentation on this resolution, see vol. i , The deteriorating political climate in the General Assembly: the War-Mongering Resolution.