Foreign Relations of the United States, 1947, Council of Foreign Ministers; Germany and Austria, Volume II

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1947, Council of Foreign Ministers; Germany and Austria, Volume II
- William Slany
General Editor:
- S. Everett Gleason
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- Introduction
- List of abbreviations, symbols, and code names
- List of persons
- I. Meetings of the Deputies of the Council of Foreign Ministers, London,
January 14–February 25, 1947 (Documents 1–39)
- A. Meetings of the Deputies for Germany (Documents 1–25)
- B. Meetings of the Deputies for Austria (Documents 26–39)
- A. Meetings of the Deputies for Germany (Documents 1–25)
- II. The fourth session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, Moscow, March
10–April 24, 1947 (Documents 40–209)
- A. Preparations for the session; substantive pre-Conference papers and
discussions (Documents 40–74)
- B. Recommendations on Conference subjects (Documents 75–77)
- C. Records and reports of the proceedings of the session (Documents 78–158)
- D. Conference documents and supplementary papers (Documents 159–209)
- 1. The German peace settlement; quadripartite control over
Germany (Documents 159–178)
- 2. Economic affairs in the United States, British and French zones of
occupation in Germany (Documents 179–191)
- 3. Requests by Allied Governments for participation in the German
peace settlement (Documents 192–200)
- 4. Draft treaty for the re-establishment of an independent and
democratic Austria (Documents 201–209)
- 1. The German peace settlement; quadripartite control over
Germany (Documents 159–178)
- A. Preparations for the session; substantive pre-Conference papers and
discussions (Documents 40–74)
- III. The Austrian Treaty Commission, May 12–October 11, 1947 (Documents 210–242)
- IV. The fifth session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, London, November
25–December 15, 1947 (Documents 243–320)
- A. Preparations and arrangements for the council session (Documents 243–270)
- B. Proceedings of the council session (Documents 271–301)
- C. Council documents and supplementary papers (Documents 302–314)
- 1. The German peace settlement (Documents 302–308)
- 2. The draft Austrian state treaty (Documents 309–314)
- 1. The German peace settlement (Documents 302–308)
- D. Post-Conference discussions with the British and French (Documents 315–320)
- A. Preparations and arrangements for the council session (Documents 243–270)
- V. The occupation and control of Germany (Documents 321–531)
- A. Problems of the quadripartite control of Germany; participation by the
United States in the work of the Allied Control Authority for Germany;
efforts by the Soviet Union to thwart the development of democratic
political life in Berlin and the Soviet zone of occupation
(Documents 321–363)
- B. Economic cooperation, control, and rehabilitation in the American,
British and French zones of occupation in Germany (Documents 364–530)
- 1. Measures to improve economic cooperation and coordination in the
United States-United Kingdom bizonal area; reorganization of bizonal
economic agencies; the American-British coal talks in Washington,
August–September; measures for the control and management of the German
coal industry; the revision of the Bizonal Agreement of December
1946 (Documents 364–406)
- 2. Revision of the level of industry plan for the United States–United
Kingdom zones of occupation; American-British-French level of industry
conversations in London, August; proposals for an Allied regime for the
Ruhr (Documents 407–467)
- 3. Attitude of the United States regarding the detachment of the Saar
from Germany and its integration into the French economy (Documents 468–488)
- 4. Reparations policy (Documents 489–514)
- 5. Measures to deal with the food crisis in Germany; principles of a
food supply program for Germany (Documents 515–530)
- 1. Measures to improve economic cooperation and coordination in the
United States-United Kingdom bizonal area; reorganization of bizonal
economic agencies; the American-British coal talks in Washington,
August–September; measures for the control and management of the German
coal industry; the revision of the Bizonal Agreement of December
1946 (Documents 364–406)
- C. Policies and problems in the United States zone of occupation in
Germany (Document 531)
- A. Problems of the quadripartite control of Germany; participation by the
United States in the work of the Allied Control Authority for Germany;
efforts by the Soviet Union to thwart the development of democratic
political life in Berlin and the Soviet zone of occupation
(Documents 321–363)
- VI. Austria (Documents 532–570)
- A. Problems of quadripartite control in Austria; efforts by the United
States to assure the reestablishment of Austrian sovereignty and
(Documents 532–565)
- B. Interest of the United States in the settlement by Austria and Italy of
the questions affecting the status of the South Tyrol (Documents 566–570)
- A. Problems of quadripartite control in Austria; efforts by the United
States to assure the reestablishment of Austrian sovereignty and
(Documents 532–565)
- Index