740.0011 EW (Peace)/10–2447: Telegram
The Minister in Austria (Erhardt) to the Secretary of State
1081. Dept’s plan for approach to USSR in immediate future regarding Austrian treaty, as outlined in Dept’s 782, Sept 29,55 has been brought to Gruber’s attention pursuant instructions. He concurs as to desirability of this approach, and agrees to cooperate in any technical assistance needed.
He feels that terms of offer to Soviets should conform with his letter of Oct 9, telegraphed to Dept in Ginsburg’s 1024, Oct 13, and understands that after details have been worked out on basis of USDel report and discussions with British and French he will be given further opportunity to see plan before it is presented to Soviets.
Gruber considers it important that Dept should definitely plan, in case of failure, to publicize offer and Soviet rejection as evidence of their desire to gain political control over Austria.